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Minutes from the 12 Nov Board Meeting Available

The minutes of the 12 Nov Board Meeting were approved and are posted here in Documents: Minutes – Quarterly and Special Board of Directors Meetings.

Here are some of the major topics from that meeting:

  • ARC Organization and actions since new members were appointed. Discussion included new forms and checklist created by the committee.
  • Welcome Committee actions last quarter to include welcome of new neighbors and committee help in refining the Frequently Asked Questions section of the website.
  • New signs (speed, exit, pet)
  • Drainage work with City Engineer … TXDOT and cleaning up our side of that drainage system.
  • Draft 2020 Objectives were reviewed and approved. (The objectives support our Goals and drive both the actions in 2020 and the Budget)
  • Website update and Annual Calendar were reviewed
  • Approval of work to address Cattail Encroachment impacting health, beauty, as well as the drainage system afforded by the ponds in the affected area.
  • Operations Update to include: ARC, Gate, Drainage Improvements, Ponds, Pool, Roads, Boardwalk
  • Administration Update to include: Membership Status, Welcome Committee Report, Treasurer Report, Financials as of 31 Oct, Budget Considerations, Golf Cart program,
  • Member Comments