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Community Pool Remains Temporarily Closed

The BW II Board of Directors met this evening (Zoom session 23 Apr 2020) to establish way ahead for the opening of the BW II Community Pool.  Mayoral Declaration #7 dated 22 April provided that community and HOA pools could reopen providing they met certain criteria (as shown here from 23 April letter from Code Enforcement)…

“Effective 11:59pm April 23 all Community and HOA pools and Hot Tubs are allowed to re-open provided the following can be achieved:

•              Social Distancing (minimum of 6’ between individuals) can be maintained at all times.

•              The pool and related area WILL NOT be used for any type of social gathering regardless of ability to meet social distancing.

•              Hand sanitizing is visible and readily available to all those utilizing the facilities.

•              A Notice of these Covid19 Pool Rules is prominently displayed at all entrances to the facility.

Although monitoring of the facility is not required, it is highly recommended. If it is determined that compliance with these necessary safety measures cannot be achieved non-compliant facilities will be closed on an individual basis. Additionally, Violation of a Local emergency order is punishable by a first offense fine not to exceed $1000.”

The board assessed that the late April / early May anticipated pool use, the sustained sanitation and monitoring requirements, and resultant liability considerations did not warrant reopening before 7 May.  The Board will reconvene in early May with an assessment and decision regarding reopening the pool on or about 7 May… well ahead of the Memorial Day anticipated high volume use of the pool. 

This motion was made and seconded with the board in unanimous approval.

The BWII COVID-19 Action Plan remains unchanged and in effect at this time.