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Roads (Latest Version of the Truth as we know it)

Based on availability of surface material Update… 5/12/22

Contractor will mill total sub-division today, 5/12/22 and tomorrow 5/13/22 and prep to begin paving on Monday, 5/16/22. Asphalt plant was not able to provide product on Friday nor Saturday, 5/13 or 5/14.

Trash Pickup cancelled 16 May

Recycle Pickup cancelled 18 May

Trash Pickup 19 May will proceed as scheduled.

Paving could take two to three days with one day of clean up. (Paving complete by 18th, Wednesday with cleanup and gone on 19th, Thursday)

Summary of Paving Plan

Paving sequence beginning Monday 5/16/22. 5/16/22 Keewaydin at end of sub-division lots 38 to 53 Gasparella and Marco Keewaydin to about 194 Keewaydin.

5/17/22 (and 5/18/22 if needed) From about 194 Keewaydin to end of Keewaydin at gate, Captiva and Sanibel. 5/18/22 and

5/19/22 -Finish miscellaneous work, clean up and out.
