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Boardwalk Repair 17 and 18 Oct from 7AM until 5PM

During repairs: open to foot-traffic; closed to carts.

Re:  Boardwalk Structural Repair as approved in annual budget and discussed during the 6 Sep Board Meeting.

  • Our contractor plans to complete programmed structural repairs to bring a few support beam splice-seams to code. 
  • His plan is to do the work on 17 and 18 Oct (subject to weather conditions and supply / material delays). 
  • He has agreed to keep the boardwalk open to foot-traffic during the repairs but will have to close the boardwalk to vehicular traffic for safety during the structural repairs.
  • The boardwalk may be open the evening of the 17th if the state of repairs allows. 
  • Work is expected to be completed by the evening of the 18th.
  • Updates (if needed) will be provided both onsite and via Nextdoor and website as appropriate.


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