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Crack-Seal Road Repair

The crack seal paving repair project is scheduled for Wednesday, March 19, beginning at 8 a.m.  It will be an all-day project.  Recycle bins (out for 7:30 pickup) need to be removed from the street by 8 a.m. to allow vehicle use of the concrete shoulders as needed to avoid the treated asphalt.

All vehicular movement (including bicycle and golf cart) will need to be limited to the concrete shoulders of our roadway where treated areas are marked by orange cones.  There can be NO driving over cracks that have been repaired for approximately a 45-minute period. 

For any questions or concerns… contact:

Pat Stettner (VP-Operations; Roadways) at (972) – 880-0005 or

Jan Phillips (HOA Board President) at (2854)- 366-8858