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Some Organizational Leadership Changes

  • As Approved by the Board of Directors 22 June 2021:
    1. Tommy Friese has resigned position on ARC to take position in Operations as Assistant Operations Officer working with Pat Stettner on Roads and Ponds (Approved by the Board) as we move into a year of major road repair and complete the work on the ponds (Cattails and Drainage).
    2. Rodney Smith has been appointed by the Board to the ARC and will serve as Chairman of the Committee.
    3. Tricia Perrine and Cindy Kuhn have resigned as members of the Welcome Committee (with thanks from the Board for jumpstarting that important face and heart of the community)
    4. Kim Liddell and Camille McAuley were appointed by the Board to the Welcome Committee that Kim will chair.
    5. Patti Hyland was appointed by the Board as Lead for the BWII Golf Cart Program (Registration and Identification)