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Association 2025 Goals Approved as amended by BOD 11/26/2024

The beachfront community of Beachwalk II, located within the city limits of the coastal fishing village of Port Aransas, Texas, is renowned for its beauty, safety, and security. Residents take pride in their serene and friendly neighborhood and appreciate it as a Community of Excellence. Here are the 13 Goals established to guide your association. Each goal is supported by near-term objectives that help either attain or sustain those goals.

Objectives may be viewed here:

The achievement of these objectives is a measure of effectiveness of your Association.  The Budget is developed and approved each year to meet these objectives in support of our Goals. They mark the path to keeping the community the neighborhood you want it to be…. A Port Aransas Beachfront Gated Community of Excellence.


A secure community where access is restricted monitored and enforced Vehicle, Golf Cart, and Pedestrian access is monitored / controlled and limited to members, member contractors/agents, and guests … monitored and enforced. Achieves balance per motto of security for the good of the many while maintaining respect for individuals.

Health, Safety, and Risk Management

A community where safety, health, and risk management are embedded in all aspects of administration and operations. (risks are assessed, mitigated, and protected with insurance coverage or reserve / capital investment funding as appropriate.)

Facilities “Commons”

Gated community with common road network; accessible pool and pond areas; with individual, bike, and golf cart boardwalk beach access for members and guests only. Common areas maintained to standard. (2.38 acres total)

Road Network and Gated Entry

A gated community with a road network maintained to city standards with appropriate signage, lighting, and drainage. 20’ Fire Lane identified as asphalt area of roads with no parking permitted.  Parking restrictions enforced as outlined in declarations.

Ponds and Drainage System

Resaca pond beauty, safe use, health, and support to storm water drainage maintained to standard (both BW II ponds and those shared with neighboring communities).

Community Pool

Beautiful Community Pool Area with Restrooms and Outdoor Shower… operational and accessible; maintained to standard; meets state safety requirements.

Landscape and Lawn

Common Landscape and Lawn maintained to sustain an attractive appearance and healthy environment; all lots (including those vacant or under construction) are maintained to standard.


Beach access with a high-quality boardwalk that supports pedestrian, bike, and golf cart traffic while mitigating dune encroachment and easterly migration; Boardwalk for members and guests only.


Administration and Operations services provided to sustain community quality, security, safety, and meet legal and financial requirements; controls in place; programs approved / funded by membership.


Quality standards and restrictions are established and clearly communicated through formal declarations (Covenants, By Laws, and Rules) available to each member. Standards and restrictions are enforced for the good of all while respecting individual rights.

Fiscal Stewardship

Funds managed to provide for annual operations and maintenance support while meeting long-term financial requirements and risk mitigation.

Relationship with Local Government and Agencies and Surrounding Communities

Proactive and beneficial relationship and alliance maintained with leadership within the state, county, city, and surrounding communities.

Member Participation

Informed members with maximum participation resulting in quality plans, programs, and stewardship that reflect the character of the Beachwalk II community and its members.