We know you will love living in this awesome community. Here are a few “helpful hints” as you get settled!
Here is some of the information that makes Beachwalk II the community it is.
Association Annual Goals Objectives and Budget These fund administration, maintenance, and operations and sustain the “commons”: Gate, roads, drainage, ponds, pool, boardwalk, landscaping, etc. Annual objectives are established and budgeted each year https://drive.google.com/drive/u/2/folders/1_coddu6HyFqD-Y1L2h0D4YqeFSmT10Sn in support of the Community Goals you can see here: https://beachwalk2hoa.org/goals/
No Short-Term Rentals Allowed Reminder – the Association Covenants prohibit Short-term rentals. Long-term (30 days or longer) are authorized. Under recent legislation, owners are required to notify the association (B&S MGT) of any long-term rentals or leases.
Architectural Review Committee (ARC) Plans and changes to your home and landscape are approved by the ARC. Procedures are outlined in the Covenants, along with a construction checklist and request form for changes to home or lot also in the documents section of the website:
See the first folder at that site for ARC contact information. Rodney Smith is ARC Chair 210-865-0860 rodneysmithporta@gmail.com
Gate Entry Current codes are changed each year with members notified by email (not posted to website) of the new codes for members and contractors. We have “first responder” and delivery (FEDEX, UPS, Mail….etc.) codes that will not change. Each family is provided one gate remote included with membership from the “Welcome Committee”. Additional gate remotes are available for $35.00.
Organization. Officer and committee areas of responsibility are shown here: https://beachwalk2hoa.org/contacts/
Speed Limit Please remind your family, friends and contractors that the BWII speed limit is 19 m.p.h. The curves pose a particular safety hazard and must be approached with caution.
Membership Wristbands. Association (Beachwalk II) wristbands are available to all members for the use in identification of extended family and guests as authorized users of the common areas (e.g. pool, boardwalk, etc.). See Welcome Committee for yours.
Parking Rules Found here: https://drive.google.com/drive/u/2/folders/1L7iu6N0bTqs81707RSKrDVv0r3LVB_7k Trailer, RV parking is not permitted on community roads. (Boats may be parked in driveways for up to 72 hrs.). No boat parking on roadway overnight. The asphalt (black) portion of the roadway is designated as the Fire Lane (no parking); and there is no parking from the exit gate to the corner of Keewaydin and Captiva in drainage concrete area.
Golf Carts Must be licensed with city; all city/state laws apply. Golf carts will be registered with the HOA and display a red Beachwalk II flag and lot number decals (cost $35) . Guest carts must display guest flag. Our program lead is Judy Parker (jbp49@icloud.com)… her phone is 254.289.4510. Resident cart registration form:
Guest cart registration:
The boardwalk is for pedestrians, bicycles and golf carts. Pedestrians and bikers have the right-of-way. Keep speed below 5MPH.
Posted Pool Rules https://drive.google.com/drive/u/2/folders/1e7gsQYlc_U1bkNdT0OASoted2laixqbL Members will have a key to the restrooms at the pool (see Welcome Committee Chair at https://beachwalk2hoa.org/contacts/ ) Renters get pool keys through owners/members.
Pets Please pick up after your pets and keep them on a leash at all times. There are waste bag stations at the boardwalk entrance and next to the mailbox. NO PETS allowed inside the pool fence (State Law).
City Services
• Trash is picked up every Monday & Thursday (Individual members set up account with city) Trash bins out not earlier than after 5pm night before pickup with bins returned (behind front edge of house) by 5pm the day of pickup.
• Recycle (clean… no glass) is every other Wednesday. You set up service with the city. Bin at curbside as noted above.
• Palm branches and bulk brush may be placed curbside in front of your house for pick-up on designated weeks every-other month. See city website for schedule. Their current contract may require bulk brush remain curbside all of that designated week (only).
• Mailbox keys may be picked up at the Post Office in town. P.O. Boxes are also available.
Contact with your Association
- Notices are posted to your Association Website https://beachwalk2hoa.org/
- The B&S Property Management Team will also provide official email notification. They retain the contact list and protect member privacy. Association Board of Directors contact: https://beachwalk2hoa.org/contact-us/
- There is a contact form on the website that goes directly to the Board of Directors President and is a great way to contact the Association. https://beachwalk2hoa.org/contact-us
- Jan Phillips, Association President, may always be contacted… anytime.
Association declarations, bylaws, rules, etc. May be found at the website Resources/Documents tab:
Hurricane Preparedness https://beachwalk2hoa.org/emergency-contacts/
Jan Phillips
Beachwalk II Owners’ Association
President and Director

Jan Phillips